Total Wellness Centre

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Essential Acupressure Points for Anxiety

Home Acupressure May Help Alleviate Your Anxiety

Many people are experiencing elevated levels of stress and anxiety during the world-wide COVID-19 pandemic. This is to be expected. Many people are experiencing profound impacts on their normal lives including serious work and home schedule changes for the past two months. Social isolation has been the rule of the day. Coupled with the unknown duration of these changes, and what the future may hold, people are anxious and stress levels are elevated.

Traditional Chinese medicine has been offering solutions to stress, anxiety and nervousness for millennia. Even during these times of social distancing, there are steps you can take at home to help alleviate anxiety.

Home care is very important, especially when you cannot readily seek professional assistance. Acupressure, or the deep massaging of acupuncture/acupressure points, is a viable and safe technique you may use at home to treat stress and anxiety.

Use your thumb to gradually apply increasing pressure to the below points until you find ‘the spot’. The spot is an area and amount of pressure where you feel resistance, but no pain. Hold that pressure steady, making small circular motions with your thumb. Massage the point in this manner for 30 seconds to a minute while breathing deeply, before moving on to the next point.

These are the 6 acupressure points that may help alleviate your stress and anxiety.

1. Pericardium.

This point soothes anxiety and promotes good sleep. Don’t forget to massage both wrist points. 

2. Tai Yang.

This point helps to relieve tension headaches. Using both your index and middle finger pads, rub a point circular in motion and pause with the fingers on the temple point for a couple of deep breaths.

3. Kidney 1.

To help you feel grounded and to calm. Crossing the foot over the opposite knee, use a thumb to apply firm but comfortable pressure. Don’t forget to massage both feet.

4. Large Intestine 4.

It helps to relieve headaches and other pains throughout the body. Located by using the opposite thumb to measure one thumb knuckle into the webbing between the index finger and thumb. Gently massage the web between the index finger and thumb of the opposite hand. Rotate the right thumb in a circular motion. Sometimes, this spot can be quite tender, particularly if you are having an active headache. Massage until you feel a release in the area.

5. Spleen 6.

It helps to balance hormones and reduce stress. Massage the area between the shin and the back of the calf. Don’t forget to massage both legs. Avoid if pregnant.

6. Ear Seeds.

May be used for the ongoing and continual treatment of stress and anxiety. Ear seeds can be easily applied to the ear in under a minute, and will usually stay put for days. They are self-adhesive and applied directly to ear acupressure points. You may ‘stimulate’ them periodically by pressing down on them. They may be replaced as needed.

The staff and practitioners at Total Wellness are eager to see you back in person, in our Toronto clinic. In the meantime, we hope the above acupressure points assist you in dealing with the increased stress caused during this difficult time.

We are also offering virtual consultations at the click of a button. Schedule your consultation today.

You may also send us an email or call us at 416-532-9094 for further assistance.

Total Wellness Team