Total Wellness Centre

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Side Effects of Acupuncture You May Not Know About

You’ve decided to seek acupuncture treatments. But, do you know what to expect?

Every day we receive phone calls from members of the public who wish to schedule for an acupuncture treatment session. We love bringing the benefits of acupuncture to the citizens of Toronto. When our patients derive a benefit from acupuncture, we rejoice.

Members of the public who have never received acupuncture ask us what to expect. We try to explain. We point them to our FAQ. But, it never hurts to revisit the common side effects you might experience because of acupuncture.

Relaxation and Restoration

Often our patients tell us they feel very relaxed, loose and heavy after receiving our acupuncture. Some people even describe it as though they have consumed a drug like marijuana. Rest assured, we use no drugs or pharmaceuticals in our clinic.

We our patients are feeling is the most common side effect of acupuncture; Acupuncture treats stress and fatigue, leaving people feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.


Ironically, patients also often describe feeling energized after receiving acupuncture. Studies have shown that acupuncture does increase energy in patients, even those with chronic debilitating disorders and diseases.

Soreness and Aches and Pains and Bruising

Some patient do experience mild, transient soreness. Some patients may also experience mild bruising at some acupuncture sites, with some points particularly on hands and feet being a little more sensitive. Soreness is a less common side effect than others, while bruising may also be even less common. Neither symptom need cause alarm.

Soreness, particularly muscle soreness associated with acupuncture tends to last no more than a day. Staying hydrated and perhaps taking a warm bath often assists.

Reduction in Symptoms

Often patients experience a reduction in symptoms almost immediately. However, and again ironically, sometimes symptoms can be aggravated in the short term. It all depends on what is being treated, and how you react to the treatment.


If you would like to discuss your fertility with one of our health professionals, including health and lifestyle concerns, please click below or call us at 416-532-9094.