Total Wellness Centre

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Immune Boosting Herbs

We now prescribe immune boosting herbs for new and existing patients. Help fight viral and other infections now.

Total Wellness Centre is now prescribing and delivering to patients, herbal formulas specifically formulated to enhance the immune system. These herbs are easily prepared at home; just measure dosage amount and add to warm water.

We are conducting virtual consultations to determine needs and requirements for each patient. We directly send our patients the Chinese herbal formulas via courier. Next day delivery in Toronto.

You may also send us an email or call us at 416-532-9094 for further assistance.

There is clinical evidence to support the use of herbal prescriptions to boost the immune system to help prevent various infections including viral infections. Many patients are concerned about newly discovered infections circulating in the community. Patients want a way to boost their immune system for these and all infections. Our formulas may assist in that regard.

Please note, all patients should immediately consult with their primary healthcare provider and local health unit if they have any change of symptoms including new cough, shortness of breath or fever.

Total Wellness Team