On the lighter side... sperm health may be improved by the following foods.

We often write about foods that may affect your fertility. This time, we focus on male fertility.

A recent study published by the European Journal of Nutrition suggests that men who consume lactolycopene may experience a positive effect on semen quality.

Lactolycopene is found in various foods such as tomatoes. Researchers did not use tomatoes in their study. Rather, participants received 14 mg daily of lactolycopene. The control group received a placebo.

Lactolycopene is thought to be a powerful antioxidant, which assists in sperm production.

Researchers found that the consumption of 14mg a day for 12 weeks improved the participants sperm motility and morphology. 

The results have us thinking, how can men consume more and better lactolycopene. Obvious choices include tomato paste and sauces. Generally, receiving your nutrients directly from food is considered a better choice than consuming supplements.

Other foods thought to increase fertility include garlic (improves blood flow and protects sperm from damage), mushrooms (improves sperm motility), broccoli (vitamin A booster that can affect fertility), asparagus (contains vitamin C to protect sperm), spinach (increases sperm count and helps counteract sperm damage) and chicken (contains zinc to help regulate count and quality). Given this broad list of ingredients, a fresh pasta may be the order of the day? Perhaps a spelt-crust pizza? Tomato vegetable soup also sounds very appealing!

If you are looking for nutritional or other lifestyle guidance, or to discuss your fertility with one of our health professionals, including health and lifestyle concerns, please click below or call us at 416-532-9094.