Total Wellness Centre

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A Healthy Diet is Critical to Your Fertility

Can you enjoy restaurant food while trying to conceive? A new study may surprise you…

We are advocates of healthy eating. We spend a fair bit of time advising our clients on diet, nutrition and their fertility. But, many of our clients are busy professionals with busy lives, who often skip meals and pick up food on the go.

We are frequently asked: What are the effects of eating restaurant food on my fertility? A new study sheds light on this issue.

A 13-year study has determined that your chances of eating a healthy meal at a restaurant is essentially nil. zero. nada. not going to happen.

This is scary.

Researchers studied both fast-food and full-service restaurants between 2003-2016. What they have determined should be a wake-up call to the health conscious. And… if you are trying to conceive, and you are reading this, you are no doubt health conscious.

If you are looking for nutritional or other lifestyle guidance, or to discuss your fertility with one of our health professionals, including health and lifestyle concerns, please click below or call us at 416-532-9094.