It is important to test for both FSH and AMH (sometimes referred to as MIS or Mullerian Inhibiting Substance) levels. While a day 3 FSH test is commonly used to determine ovarian reserve, results may vary from cycle to cycle and with cycle dates. A high estradiol level can artificially suppress an abnormally high FSH level, making it appear as though the FSH level is in the normal range. On the other hand, AMH levels do not vary with the menstrual cycle making it an ideal marker to test.


AMH is often used to evaluate ovarian reserve and fertility, measure ovarian aging, and to selectively predict or estimate ovarian response in an IVF cycle.

As in conventional western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) considers FSH and AMH to be related. According to TCM, high FSH levels and low AMH levels may generally indicate a kidney yin deficiency. Treatments would therefore be focused on the deficiency by nourishing the kidney yin energy, promoting the movement of energy and blood to the uterus, all with an aim to promote fertility.


Peer-reviewed studies have shown acupuncture and TCM to be effective at addressing both FSH and AMH levels, reducing FSH and increasing AMH, effectively reversing early onset menopause.